We understand that with major life events, work, even school and family duties, comes stress. The added responsibility or worry from these roles can result in that stress showing up in unexpected ways. For example, bruxism is often caused by an increase in stress. Bruxism is the unconscious, nightly habit of grinding and clenching your teeth and it can have some serious repercussions. For those who struggle with bruxism, we can provide night guards in Vancouver, Washington. These oral appliances will help to prevent your teeth from grinding against each other. Common signs of bruxism include:

  • Chronic, daily jaw pain, ear pain and pain in the facial muscles
  • Having a tired, sore or tight feeling in the jaw when you awake
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Tooth attrition, such as chipped, worn or cracked teeth
  • Indentations on the sides of the tongue
  • Increased tooth sensitivity

If you see the signs of bruxism, we invite you to call Main Street Dentistry to learn more about the benefits and advantages of night guards. When made from our dentists and team at Main Street Dentistry, your night guards will fit you well and feel comfortable, ensuring an undisturbed sleep. Contact us at 360-696-2513 to learn more and to visit with Dr. Brian Mahoney.